Friday, August 24,
My gf,
She maybe quiet and not out-spoken but
She is brave at times and stand by me.
She maybe sticky at times but
She care about me and concern about how i feel.
She maybe lazy but
She is smart at times that she woke me out of my thoughts.
She maybe a dreamer but
She can be clear about things going around her and me.
She maybe shopping online very often and spending alot but
She doesn't spend my money online.
She maybe not pretty but
She is the one i Love.
She is just my girlfriend.
Just a thought:
There are things in life you may need to reflect upon your ownself and to really think if you actually have think of it at all. Knowing your own mistake is the greatest lesson one could have learn. Have you ever thought what mistake you actually could have committed in a situation and embrace it with open arms? I know i fail as a friend, but how about you? Have you ever did it and never admit your mistaken and embrace it? Life is short, take it slowly and look things in many different angles and see for yourself. Things are simple as you always thought and changes is one that people do not adapt to it and learn when people say they can adapt, saying is not enough....I have grown to learn more and start to be aware of situation more then ever, sensitive you may call, but then, it's how you view it. Hmm.....I believe time will heal?...
Have to settle Calvin birthday, maybe bake a cake for him? of muffins? Buddy are still buddy given no matter how many mistake i had made towards him....Luv him....*not gay lah* And luv my gf also...hahaha...
12:47 AM
Monday, August 20,
My Lomo-cam
My fav. photo shot...

Life in short:
Life has changed alot, i suppose i still have to walk this path still....
I just wish everyone good health, PEACE to the WORLD.
2:40 PM