Every Other Morning...
Sunday, July 30,

When people are happy and contented, they tend to take life for granted. It is when they suffer, when they find life difficulty, that they begin to search for a reason and a way out of their difficulty. They may ask why some are born in poverty and suffering, while others are born in fortunate circumstances. Some people believe that it is due to fate, chance, or an invisible power beyond their control. They feel that they are unable to live the life they desire so as to experience happiness always. But isn't this mankind in nature? Never satisfy of what they want in whole life?

Found a phrase on Karma, the cause and effect. i find it meaningful.

"If you want to know the causes in your past life,
The way you live at present is the effect of your past life.
If you want to know what your future life will be,
What you do at present is the cause of your future life."

Live your life to the fullest, and becareful with every decision you made.
Your fate and future lies btw your hand, not others.

10:17 PM

Thursday, July 27,

The jounery through life is a rough and tough one. From the day you were born it already had made a long way out from your mum's womb. When you were born, the first cried had already made an impact on your parents. From there your jounery starts.

In life, there is always alot of ups and downs. In science (physic), what goes up must comes down. Very true. Do bear in mind when you are really down to the turning point, you can pull through and push yourself all the way to the highest point. Life is full of wonders and alot of mystic stuff. Bear in mind, no matter how tough or rough the jounery in life is, you are not alone coz others do face the same problem as you. You never ever walk alone in life.

5:34 PM

Thursday, July 20,

How to be a good Boyfriend?

1) Be attentive and caring towards his girlfriend.
Ans: I think i did it?

2) Not let his girlfriend suspicious of his doings outside.
Ans: I tried, but she still dun have 100% faith in me. Maybe i should be secretive?

3) Cook for her or cook together with her.
Ans: I brew soup for her, but not tasty enough. =(

4) WIlling to change himself for his girlfriend.
Ans: Thought you like him for what he is? But i don't mind changing together.

5) Listen to his gf's advices.
Ans: I will when it comes to financial.

6) Do handmade gifts for his gf on her birthday or on any occassions.
Ans: Erm...i suck at this....

7) Always share his thoughts with gf.
Ans: I done that.

8) Willing to help if gf is having some problems.
Ans: Come onz, i will do that for sure.

9) Act like a kid and make her laugh with your dumb jokes.
Ans: I'm always a kid when i'm with her....I'm jus that cute...=P

10) Pamper your gf with a massage on her back.
Ans: I did, but she doesn't seem to enjoy or relax... =(

11) Know what your gf likes and dislikes.
Ans: Still discovering, found some eg: no spicy food unless KFC or Mac, Pepper Mint Honey Tea, Ginger Tea...

12) Always surprise your gf.
Ans: Trying...But i just wonder what if one day i have no more surprises?

Do i have anymore questions?

(P/S: Friends to me is equally important to Girlfriend. To understand and value one another is always easier to say then done. It takes time and effort, it requires both hand to clap. Face the fact that a chopstick alway goes in pair not one but two. To maintain a friendship or a relationship, it's more then the effort that is required.)

1:01 AM

Thursday, July 13,

It's always good to have someone next to yearn on, now i found that someone - i'm simply happy.....

Take Life as it comes and goes....
I supposed, i'm a happy man now.

1:14 AM

Thursday, July 6,

Hmm....Life has been rather busy....Nothing to really talk or said about....Never expect myself to fall for someone ....Will history repeat itself?

12:48 AM