Every Other Morning...
Sunday, December 18,

It's been some time since i update anything on the blog. I suppose i'm jus plain lazy? I finally finished my N.S service, i felt so relieved but yet kinda of miss it? Miss my friends and not the job or army. Having gone through N.S, some said it makes you grow up from a boy to a man, which i don't really agree. In everyone's life, it's not N.S that really make a person to become mature, but how one see and view things and learn. Some just find that they learn alot from N.S, i don't deny i learn alot of stuff but it can be a waste of time also. Recently have conflicts with some of my close friends, i don't know why but i believe everything happens for a reason. May it be good or bad, life is jus full of up and downs, i have been to the down of my life since my N.S service and won't want it to be happening again in my future. I do get jealous when i see some of my friends enjoying N.S life when i dont with the constant mental torture but then it's over. I now starting to be more carefree and more concern about been happy when been sad, i suppose that develop me into the heck care attiude towards alot of things. I used to be self-less to all friends, but now i start to learn i need to be selfish at time. Been nice to everyone can be tiring and aren't you to be at yourself when you are wif your friends? I have not been myself when i wif friends, i know thats why i guess i need to be one like that. Looking forward to get a part-time job, even there will be people looking down on me, saying i'm arrgoant, proud and cannot eat hardship all these. I trust myself and i trust that there will be a one or two friends that support me. I seen it and i know it. Life is just so short, why make so many things so complicated when it's simple as long as you look it as a big picture? Don't you agree?

11:17 PM